

- 佐藤 友彰 の投稿
返信数: 7









使用している環境は、Mac OS Sonoma 14.5, エディタVSCode、LuaTeXを使用。


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\SetRow{rowsep=5mm} Student ID & XXXX & Name & Tomy Otsuka \\
\SetCell{l} Title & & & \\
\SetRow{valign=t, halign=l}\SetCell{l} aaa & & & \\
\SetCell{l} Abstract & & & \\
\SetRow{valign=t, halign=l}{Abstract This paper compares a sample of 124 independent high technology entrepreneurs with 112 corporate entrepreneurs (intrapreneurs) involved in developing and introducing high-tech innovations across Canada. The study investigates the general management and technical problems faced by these entrepreneurs and contrasts their approach to such issues as market research, financing and production. The approaches used by the two groups in analyzing their markets and in planning and financing of innovations are compared and contrasted. In general, the independent entrepreneurs were technically trained, usually possessing engineering training but no general management training or experience, neither themselves nor members of their management team. Corporate entrepreneurs were as likely to come from management backgrounds as technical, or else supported their lack of general}
& & & \\
\SetCell{l} Keyword & & & \\
\SetRow{valign=t, halign=l} \SetCell{l} aaa & & & \\
佐藤 友彰 への返信

Re: フレームで区切られた論文の指定フォーマットの要旨ページを作りたい

- 和田 勇 の投稿
例えば、全体のカラム数は 1 とするよう colspec={X} とし、1行目の Student-id/Name は

提示されたソースをできるだけ活用した .tex と生成される PDF 添付します。

とはいえ、添付したものは 不要と思われる \SetCell や \SetRow は省いてあります。

Abstract の本文を \SetRow{valign=t, halign=l}{abstract の内容} から
\SetCell[4]{l}\begin{minipage} abstract の内容 \end{minipage に書き換えたところです。

それに合わせて Title や Keyword も一行で書ききれない場合を想定して同様の処置を念の為施しています。

佐藤 友彰 への返信

Re: フレームで区切られた論文の指定フォーマットの要旨ページを作りたい

- takamasa 23 の投稿

tcolorboxで作ってみましたが, 以下のようにするのはいかがでしょうか。

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\path[draw]([xshift=1.75cm,yshift=-11mm]frame.north west)node{\large Number};
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\path[draw]([xshift=1mm,yshift=-3.8cm]frame.north west)node[right]{\large Abstract};
\path[draw]([xshift=1mm,yshift=1.7cm]frame.south west)node[right]{\large Keywords (5 words)};
\path[draw]([xshift=5.25cm,yshift=-7.5mm]frame.north west)node{\large #1};
\path[draw]($([xshift=10.5cm,yshift=-7.5mm]frame.north west)!0.5!([yshift=-7.5mm]frame.north east)$)node{#2};
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\begin{notebox}[1234][My Name][The Titile][Key Words]
  This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample. This is sample.
takamasa 23 への返信

Re: フレームで区切られた論文の指定フォーマットの要旨ページを作りたい

- ut の投稿
全然いまどきな見栄えじゃないですけれど、tabularray や tcolorbox がなかった頃でも、


\newcommand{\MyName}{John Smith}
\newcommand{\MyTitle}{\parindent1em My Thesis Title}
\newcommand{\MyAbstract}{\parindent1em This paper compares a sample of 124 independent high technology entrepreneurs with 112 corporate entrepreneurs (intrapreneurs) involved in developing and introducing high-tech innovations across Canada. The study investigates the general management and technical problems faced by these entrepreneurs and contrasts their approach to such issues as market research, financing and production. The approaches used by the two groups in analyzing their markets and in planning and financing of innovations are compared and contrasted. In general, the independent entrepreneurs were technically trained, usually possessing engineering training but no general management training or experience, neither themselves nor members of their management team. Corporate entrepreneurs were as likely to come from management backgrounds as technical, or else supported their lack of general}
\newcommand{\MyKeys}{\parindent1em foo, bar, baz}


  \multicolumn{1}{|m{3cm}}{\centering Student\\ Identification\\ Number} &
  \multicolumn{1}{|m{3cm}}{\MyIdNo} &
  \multicolumn{1}{|m{3cm}}{\centering Name} &
  \multicolumn{1}{|m{3cm}|}{\MyName} \\
  \multicolumn{4}{|p{13.5cm}|}{Title} \\
  \multicolumn{4}{|p{13.5cm}|}{\MyTitle} \\
  \multicolumn{4}{|p{13.5cm}|}{Abstract} \\
  \multicolumn{4}{|p{13.5cm}|}{\MyAbstract} \\
  \multicolumn{4}{|p{13.5cm}|}{Keywords (5 words)} \\
  \multicolumn{4}{|p{13.5cm}|}{\MyKeys} \\

添付 sample.jpg
takamasa 23 への返信

Re: フレームで区切られた論文の指定フォーマットの要旨ページを作りたい

- 佐藤 友彰 の投稿
佐藤 友彰 への返信

Re: フレームで区切られた論文の指定フォーマットの要旨ページを作りたい

- ya ra の投稿

すでに解決されているようなので補足ですが、元の tblr 環境にオプション hspan = minimal を追加するだけで問題が解消します。

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  \SetRow{rowsep=5mm} Student ID & XXXX & Name & Tomy Otsuka \\
  \SetCell{l} Title & & & \\
  \SetRow{valign=t, halign=l}\SetCell{l} aaa & & & \\
  \SetCell{l} Abstract & & & \\
  \SetRow{valign=t, halign=l}{Abstract This paper compares a sample of 124 independent high technology entrepreneurs with 112 corporate entrepreneurs (intrapreneurs) involved in developing and introducing high-tech innovations across Canada. The study investigates the general management and technical problems faced by these entrepreneurs and contrasts their approach to such issues as market research, financing and production. The approaches used by the two groups in analyzing their markets and in planning and financing of innovations are compared and contrasted. In general, the independent entrepreneurs were technically trained, usually possessing engineering training but no general management training or experience, neither themselves nor members of their management team. Corporate entrepreneurs were as likely to come from management backgrounds as technical, or else supported their lack of general}
  & & & \\
  \SetCell{l} Keyword & & & \\
  \SetRow{valign=t, halign=l} \SetCell{l} aaa & & & \\


加えて、添付ファイルでは \SetRow 等の表内のコマンドを使用しない方法を並記しています。

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