RFC: kanjimap-generator

RFC: kanjimap-generator

- Norbert Preining の投稿
返信数: 1
Dear all,

after the discussion with 土村さん on the (wonderful) TeXConf12 yesterday I have written a kanjimap generator. It is a perl/Tk script which allows to select which fonts should be used for Mincho and Gothic in the various combinations, with or without OTF support, with or without ISO2004 support.

The generator creates all the necessary files to call
updmap-setup-kanji <newpackage>
where the name <newpackage> is entered into the generator. Also, two map files
<newpackage>.map and <newpackage>-04.map
are generated that can be used directly with
dvipdfmx -f <newpackage>.map ....
to test the combination of fonts.

Map files are generated in the current working directory and need to be moved to the proper locations (TEXMFLOCAL or TEXMFHOME/fonts/map/dvipdfmx/local/<newpackage>/ might be a good position), followed by a call to mktexlsr.

Please let me know what you think of it, and there are for sure a lot of bugs, and errors due to my misunderstanding. So please let me know if you find anything.

