

- Yuishin の投稿
OS: Windows 10 Professional (x64)
ディストリビューション: TeX Live 2020


%% コードここから





{\fontspec{Times New Roman}\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=0.0}




{\fontspec{Times New Roman}\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=10.0}





%% コードここまで

再び dvipdfmx:fatal: pdf_ref_obj(): passed invalid object.

- gbb 60166 の投稿
gbb60166 です。

またエラーに遭遇しました。windows10, W32TeX最新, platex.exe でコンパイルできますが dvipdfmx 20200826 でエラーが出ます。dvipdfmx 20200315 では意図したPDFが作成されます。

% surf,shader の両方がそろうとエラーになるようだ
shader = faceted interp

! Package chemfig Error: the \expanded primitive is not provided by your TeX en gine, chemfig cannot work...

- tomix may の投稿



This is ptex2pdf[.lua] version 20170622.0.
Processing untitled-12.tex
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restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
pLaTeX2e <2017/10/28>+4 (based on LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>)
Babel <3.17> and hyphenation patterns for 84 language(s) loaded.
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) (c:/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pgf/systemlayer/pgf.cfg)
)) (c:/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/xcolor/xcolor.sty

y)) (c:/texlive/2017/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pgf/utilities/pgffor.sty
! Package chemfig Error: the \expanded primitive is not provided by your TeX en
gine, chemfig cannot work...
\CF_error ...e {Package \CFname \space Error: #1.}
l.70 ...ur TeX engine, \CFname\space cannot work.}
・『[改訂第7版] LaTeX2e 美文書作成入門』第2刷の DVD-ROMを用いてTeXシステム一式をインストール
・Windows 10 Pro バージョン 1909 64-bit


- mr2h の投稿
This is e-upTeX, Version 3.14159265-p3.8.3-u1.26-191112-2.6 (utf8.uptex) (TeX Live 2020/W32TeX) (preloaded format=uplatex 2020.8.9) 26 AUG 2020 06:03
entering extended mode
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X primitives.

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Package: ifvtex 2019/10/25 v1.7 ifvtex legacy package. Use iftex instead.
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Package: otf 2019/04/01 v1.7b8 psitau, u0.25 ttk

Package: ajmacros 2019/04/01 21:00 iNOUE Koich! >
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File: dvipdfmx.def 2017/06/24 v5.0g Graphics/color driver for dvipdfmx
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Package: german 1998/07/08 v2.5e Support for writing german texts (br)

german -- \language number for German undefined, default 255 used,
german -- Please read "gerdoc.tex" how to install hyphenation patterns.
german -- \language number for Austrian undefined, default 255 used.
german -- \language number for French undefined, default 255 used.
Package: bxglyphwiki 2019/11/26 v0.4c

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Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@primitive is available.
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Package bxglyphwiki Info: current time = 85085643.

runsystem(bxglyphwiki +ping . pdf dvipdfmx ping)...executed.

(./bxgw_resp_.def) (./bxgw_resp_.def)
Package bxglyphwiki Info: PING success.
File: l3backend-dvipdfmx.def 2020-08-07 L3 backend support: dvipdfmx
\openout1 = `海潮音.aux'.

LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 21.
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LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 21.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for JT2/mc/m/n on input line 21.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 21.
(I search kanjifont definition file: . . )
(I search font definition file: . . . . . . . )
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File: ot1lmr.fd 2009/10/30 v1.6 Font defs for Latin Modern
) 《縦組モード》
LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for OT1+lmss on input line

File: ot1lmss.fd 2009/10/30 v1.6 Font defs for Latin Modern
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File: ot1lmtt.fd 2009/10/30 v1.6 Font defs for Latin Modern
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(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
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Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
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Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Bold.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
Package pxchfon Info: Font tribe is 'sourcehan':
(pxchfon) SourceHanSans-Regular.otf.
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File: omllmm.fd 2009/10/30 v1.6 Font defs for Latin Modern
LaTeX Font Info: Trying to load font information for OMS+lmsy on input line

File: omslmsy.fd 2009/10/30 v1.6 Font defs for Latin Modern
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File: omxlmex.fd 2009/10/30 v1.6 Font defs for Latin Modern
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[2] [3]
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runsystem(bxglyphwiki +info . pdf dvipdfmx u7d42-ue0101)...executed.


! Package bxglyphwiki Error: Helper command failed for some reason.

See the bxglyphwiki package documentation for explanation.
Type H for immediate help.

l.43 ...の機運を促成し、\GWI{u7d42-ue0101}
! Emergency stop.

l.43 ...の機運を促成し、\GWI{u7d42-ue0101}
You're in trouble here. Try typing to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type X to quit.

Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
9007 strings out of 482868
155872 string characters out of 5958231
393370 words of memory out of 5000000
24565 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000
574619 words of font info for 90 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000
28 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
38i,6n,53p,1581b,992s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s
Output written on 海潮音.dvi (3 pages, 6728 bytes).
Win10 1909, texlive2020,
\usepackage[directunicode*, noalphabet]{pxchfon}[2017/04/08]
\title{{\Huge\textgt{海 潮 音}}}
\date{      明治三十八年}

dvipdfmx:fatal: pdf_ref_obj(): passed invalid object.

- gbb 60166 の投稿


\useasboundingbox(-1,-1) rectangle (1,1);

Windows10, 最新のW32TeXのplatex.exeでコンパイルは問題ありませんがdvipdfmx.exe 20200726で変換しようとすると

dvipdfmx:fatal: pdf_ref_obj(): passed invalid object.


dvipdfmx.exe 20200315だと思ったようなPDFが作成されます。

dvipdfmxの仕様変更でしょうか? どうすればうまくPDFが作成できるでしょうか?


- A S の投稿
{¥bf あ}



- Kubo Tas の投稿



- mr2h の投稿
本日朝八時三十分に、glyphwikiのサーバーを、グレードアップしたものに入れ替えたそうですが、私の場合、それと同時に標記の問題が発生しました。サイトへの接続はできますが(ホームページの閲覧は可能)、BXglyphwikiが作動しないということは、皆様のところでも起きていますでしょうか。念のため最新のBXglyphwikiに入れ替えても見ましたが同じです。当方、Win10, texlive2020 の環境です。


- 佐藤 創一 の投稿


- arai8245 の投稿

kanji-config-udpmap-sys mysetting
とりあえずセッティングを haranoaji に戻し、ゴシックについて

{\sffamily\gtfamily\mdseries これは中ゴシック mdseries}
{\sffamily\gtfamily\bfseries これは太ゴシック bfseries}
{\sffamily\gtfamily\ebseries これは極太ゴシック ebseries}


状況です。環境はtexlive2020版、otf.sty は2019/4 の版です。


添付 otf-deluxe.png