
LuaTeX-ja + luatexja-ruby で3グループ・3文字以上のルビ

- 上田 完 の投稿

を lualatex (添付ファイルは Linux 上で texlive で作成しましたが、
Windows 10 上の texlive でも同様の現象を確認しています)で処理すると、
添付画像、PDF のような結果になります。
  • グループ数が3以上
  • かつ、1グループ内のルビ文字列が3文字(以上)
でしょうか(暑いし……って関係ないでしょうが)? 勿論、1グループ×3

TeXConf 2018開催のおしらせ

- きえだ ゆうすけ の投稿




# 概要
- 日付:2018年11月10日(土)全日予定
- 会場:北海道大学大学院理学研究院数学部門 若手研究交流室4-501
- 住所:札幌市北区北10条西8丁目
- 主催:TeXConf実行委員会
- 問い合せ先:texconfjp{\atmark}googlegroups.com
- web:https://texconf2018.tumblr.com/
- twitter:texconfjp(ハッシュタグ:#texconf2018)

- TeXとその周辺に関する知見を共有する
- 組版・出版とその周辺に関する知見を共有する
- ユーザ間交流

# 懇親会




- 斎藤 漁火 の投稿



環境はTeX Live2017をWindows10で使用しています。
添付 2018-08-07_20h18_46.png


- 伊柳 友貴 の投稿
毎度、すいません。 また質問させていただきます。

写真のような言葉の数式を作りたいので以下を実行したのですが、夫のアイロンがけで測ったの部分が飛んでしまいます。 うまく改行させたいのですが、どうすればいいでしょうか。

=1.5 =5

添付 FB110BB3-C589-4E19-943D-471818CFB51B.jpeg


- 伊柳 友貴 の投稿

表の作り方について質問があります。 左上隅のセルをなくして、ボンネットバス型の表を作りたいと思っています。 ボンネットバス型とは具体的に、最初の列数と以降の列数が異なるものです。 正方行列は簡単に作成できるのですが、その場合、いつも左隅が空欄になってしまうので、その位置は表の一部としてカウントしないようにしたいです。 どうすればいいのでしょうか。

lualatex でコンパイルエラーになります

- 永田 善久 の投稿



! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ..._not:N \fontencoding {\l__fontspec_nfss_enc_tl
                                                  }\exp_not:N \fontfamily {\...
l.6 \setsansfont

というエラーになりました。TeX Live 2018/W32TeX ですが Mac でも同様でした。以下に log ファイルを付けます。どうぞ,宜しくお願い致します。

This is LuaTeX, Version 1.07.0 (TeX Live 2018/W32TeX)  (format=lualatex 2018.8.1)  3 AUG 2018 16:47
restricted system commands enabled.
LaTeX2e <2018-04-01> patch level 5
Lua module: luaotfload-main 2017/01/29 2.80001 OpenType layout system.
Lua module: lualibs 2017-02-01 2.5 ConTeXt Lua standard libraries.
Lua module: lualibs-extended 2017-02-01 2.5 ConTeXt Lua libraries -- extended co
llection.(using write cache: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache
/generic)(using read cache: C:/texlive/2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic C:/Us
luaotfload | conf : Root cache directory is C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-v
luaotfload | init : Loading fontloader “fontloader-2017-02-11.lua” from kpse
-resolved path “c:/texlive/2018/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/fontloader-20
Lua-only attribute luaotfload@state = 1
Lua-only attribute luaotfload@noligature = 2
Lua-only attribute luaotfload@syllabe = 3
luaotfload | init : Context OpenType loader version “3.027”
Inserting `luaotfload.node_processor' at position 1 in `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Inserting `luaotfload.node_processor' at position 1 in `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `luaotfload.define_font' at position 1 in `define_font'.
Lua-only attribute luaotfload_color_attribute = 4
luaotfload | conf : Root cache directory is C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-v
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.set_sscale_dimens' at position 1 in `luaotfload.patch_
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.patch_cambria_domh' at position 2 in `luaotfload.patch
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.fixup_fontdata' at position 1 in `luaotfload.patch_fon
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.set_capheight' at position 3 in `luaotfload.patch_font
Inserting `luaotfload.rewrite_fontname' at position 4 in `luaotfload.patch_font'
luaotfload | main : initialization completed in 0.267 seconds
Document Class: ltjsarticle 2018/07/24 ltjsclasses
Package: luatexja 2018/07/28 Japanese Typesetting with Lua(La)TeX

Package: luatexja-core 2017/11/12 Core of LuaTeX-ja

Package: luatexbase 2015/10/04 v1.3 luatexbase interface to LuaTeX

Package: ctablestack 2015/10/01 v1.0 Catcode table stable support
Package: ltxcmds 2016/05/16 v1.23 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
Package: pdftexcmds 2018/01/30 v0.27 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO)

Package: infwarerr 2016/05/16 v1.4 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
Package: ifluatex 2016/05/16 v1.4 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
Package ifluatex Info: LuaTeX detected.
Package: ifpdf 2017/03/15 v3.2 Provides the ifpdf switch
Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@primitive is available.
Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdf@ifprimitive is available.
Package pdftexcmds Info: \pdfdraftmode found.
Package: xkeyval 2014/12/03 v2.7a package option processing (HA)


File: xkeyval.tex 2014/12/03 v2.7a key=value parser (HA)
Package: atbegshi 2016/06/09 v1.18 At begin shipout hook (HO)
Package: etoolbox 2018/02/11 v2.5e e-TeX tools for LaTeX (JAW)

Package: svn-prov 2010/04/24 v3.1862 Package Date/Version from SVN Keywords
Package: everyhook 2014/11/26 v1.2 (SVN Rev: 12)\ Hooks for low level TeX everyX
Custom whatsit inhibitglue = 1
Custom whatsit stack_marker = 2
Custom whatsit begin_par = 3
Custom whatsit direction = 4
Custom whatsit box_boundary = 5(load cache: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-v
Lua module: luatexja.charrange 2018/02/18 Handling the range of Japanese charact
Lua module: luatexja.stack 2018/02/18 LuaTeX-ja stack system
Inserting `ltj.create_dir_whatsit' at position 2 in `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.create_dir_whatsit' at position 1 in `post_linebreak_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.direction' at position 1 in `vpack_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.direction' at position 1 in `pre_output_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.direction' at position 1 in `append_to_vlist_filter'.
Lua module: luatexja.jfont 2018/06/15 Loader for Japanese fonts
Removing  `luaotfload.define_font' from `define_font'.
Inserting `luatexja.font_callback' at position 1 in `define_font'.
Removing  `luaotfload.aux.set_sscale_dimens' from `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Removing  `luaotfload.aux.patch_cambria_domh' from `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Removing  `luaotfload.aux.set_capheight' from `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Removing  `luaotfload.rewrite_fontname' from `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Inserting `ltj.prepare_extra_data' at position 1 in `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.set_sscale_dimens' at position 2 in `luaotfload.patch_
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.patch_cambria_domh' at position 3 in `luaotfload.patch
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.set_capheight' at position 4 in `luaotfload.patch_font
Inserting `luaotfload.rewrite_fontname' at position 5 in `luaotfload.patch_font'
Inserting `ltj.prepare_extra_data' at position 1 in `luatexja.define_font'.
Inserting `ltj.v_advance' at position 1 in `luatexja.define_jfont'.
Removing  `ltj.v_advance' from `luatexja.define_jfont'.
Inserting `ltj.get_vert_form' at position 1 in `luatexja.define_jfont'.
Inserting `ltj.v_advance' at position 2 in `luatexja.define_jfont'.
Removing  `ltj.prepare_extra_data' from `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Removing  `luaotfload.aux.set_sscale_dimens' from `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Removing  `luaotfload.aux.patch_cambria_domh' from `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Removing  `luaotfload.aux.set_capheight' from `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Removing  `luaotfload.rewrite_fontname' from `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Inserting `ltj.supply_tounicode' at position 1 in `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Inserting `ltj.prepare_extra_data' at position 2 in `luaotfload.patch_font'.
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.set_sscale_dimens' at position 3 in `luaotfload.patch_
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.patch_cambria_domh' at position 4 in `luaotfload.patch
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.set_capheight' at position 5 in `luaotfload.patch_font
Inserting `luaotfload.rewrite_fontname' at position 6 in `luaotfload.patch_font'
Inserting `ltj.process_input_buffer' at position 1 in `process_input_buffer'.
Inserting `ltj.hyphenate' at position 1 in `hyphenate'.
Removing  `luaotfload.node_processor' from `hpack_filter'.
Removing  `ltj.create_dir_whatsit' from `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.set_stack_level' at position 1 in `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `luaotfload.node_processor' at position 2 in `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.create_dir_whatsit' at position 3 in `hpack_filter'.
Removing  `luaotfload.node_processor' from `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.set_stack_level' at position 1 in `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Inserting `luaotfload.node_processor' at position 2 in `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Lua module: luatexja.jfmglue 2018/02/18 Insertion process of JFM glues, [x]kanji
skip and others
Inserting `luatexja.beginpar.np_info' at position 1 in `luatexja.jfmglue.whatsit
Inserting `luatexja.beginpar.np_info_after' at position 1 in `luatexja.jfmglue.w
Inserting `ltj.mlist_to_hlist' at position 1 in `mlist_to_hlist'.
Inserting `ltj.main' at position 3 in `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Removing  `ltj.create_dir_whatsit' from `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.main' at position 3 in `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.create_dir_whatsit' at position 4 in `hpack_filter'.
Removing  `ltj.set_stack_level' from `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Removing  `luaotfload.node_processor' from `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Removing  `ltj.main' from `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.adjust_icflag' at position 1 in `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.set_stack_level' at position 2 in `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Inserting `luaotfload.node_processor' at position 3 in `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.main' at position 4 in `pre_linebreak_filter'.
Removing  `ltj.set_stack_level' from `hpack_filter'.
Removing  `luaotfload.node_processor' from `hpack_filter'.
Removing  `ltj.main' from `hpack_filter'.
Removing  `ltj.create_dir_whatsit' from `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.adjust_icflag' at position 1 in `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.set_stack_level' at position 2 in `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `luaotfload.node_processor' at position 3 in `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.main' at position 4 in `hpack_filter'.
Inserting `ltj.create_dir_whatsit' at position 5 in `hpack_filter'.
Package: ltj-base 2017/05/05

Package: ltj-latex 2018/06/15 LaTeX support of LuaTeX-ja

Package: lltjfont 2018/01/12 Patch to NFSS2 for LuaTeX-ja

File: tuenc.def 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX file
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring font encoding TU on input line 82.

Package: everysel 2011/10/28 v1.2 EverySelectfont Package (MS)
ABD: EverySelectfont initializing macros
LaTeX Info: Redefining \selectfont on input line 316.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \fontencoding on input line 468.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \fontfamily on input line 513.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \fontseries on input line 547.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \fontshape on input line 550.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \normalfont on input line 562.
Package: lltjdefs 2018/06/15 Default font settings of LuaTeX-ja
luaotfload | db : Font names database loaded from C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/t
exmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/names/luaotfload-names.luc(load luc: C:/Users/naga
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JT3/mc/m/n' will be
(Font)              scaled to size 9.6222pt on input line 59.
luaotfload | cache : Lookup cache loaded from C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf
-var/luatex-cache/generic/names/luaotfload-lookup-cache.luc.(load luc: C:/Users/
nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otl/ipaexm.luc)(load ca
che: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/luatexja/extra_ipaexmincho.luc)
luaotfload | aux : font no 16 (nil) does not define feature vrt2 for script dflt
with language dflt
luaotfload | aux : no font with id 16
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JY3/mc/m/n' will be
(Font)              scaled to size 9.6222pt on input line 59.

LaTeX Font Info:    Overwriting symbol font `mincho' in version `bold'
(Font)                  JY3/mc/m/n --> JY3/gt/m/n on input line 68.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \rmfamily on input line 75.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \sffamily on input line 79.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \ttfamily on input line 83.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \em on input line 88.
Package: lltjcore 2018/06/15 Patch to LaTeX2e Kernel for LuaTeX-ja
Package: lltjp-geometry 2018/01/19 Patch to geometry for LuaTeX-ja with vertical
writing mode

Package: filehook 2011/10/12 v0.5d Hooks for input files
Package: luatexja-compat 2018/03/29 Compatibility with pTeX
(load cache: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/luatexja/ltj-jisx0208.luc)
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JY3/mc/m/n' will be
(Font)              scaled to size 9.24713pt on input line 417.
(load luc: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otl
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JT3/mc/m/n' will be
(Font)              scaled to size 7.3977pt on input line 558.
luaotfload | aux : font no 21 (nil) does not define feature vrt2 for script dflt
with language dflt
luaotfload | aux : no font with id 21
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JY3/mc/m/n' will be
(Font)              scaled to size 7.3977pt on input line 558.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \mc on input line 1211.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \gt on input line 1212.
Package: jslogo 2017/02/24 okumura, texjporg
LaTeX Info: Redefining \TeX on input line 94.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \LaTeX on input line 147.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \LaTeXe on input line 200.

Package: stfloats 2017/03/27 v3.3 Improve float mechanism and baselineskip setti
Package: luatexja-fontspec 2017/12/31 fontspec support of LuaTeX-ja

Package: expl3 2018-06-14 L3 programming layer (loader)

Package: expl3 2018-06-14 L3 programming layer (code)
File: l3pdfmode.def 2018-06-14 v L3 Experimental driver: PDF mode
Package: l3keys2e 2018-05-12 LaTeX2e option processing using LaTeX3 keys
Package: xparse 2018-05-12 L3 Experimental document command parser
Package: fontspec 2018/07/30 vv2.6h Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
Lua module: fontspec 2018/07/30 v2.6h Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
Package: fontspec-luatex 2018/07/30 vv2.6h Font selection for XeLaTeX and LuaLaT

Package: fontenc 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX package

File: tuenc.def 2017/04/05 v2.0i Standard LaTeX file
LaTeX Font Info:    Redeclaring font encoding TU on input line 82.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \fontspec with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 564.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \setmainfont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 569.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \setsansfont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 574.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \setmonofont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 579.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \setmathrm with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 583.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \setboldmathrm with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 587.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \setmathsf with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 591.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \setmathtt with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 595.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \setromanfont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 599.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \newfontfamily with sig. 'mO{}mO{}' on line 603.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \renewfontfamily with sig. 'mO{}mO{}' on line 607.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \setfontfamily with sig. 'mO{}mO{}' on line 611.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \newfontface with sig. 'mO{}mO{}' on line 615.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \defaultfontfeatures with sig. 't+om' on line 622.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \addfontfeatures with sig. 'm' on line 626.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \addfontfeature with sig. 'm' on line 630.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \newfontfeature with sig. 'mm' on line 634.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \newAATfeature with sig. 'mmmm' on line 638.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \newopentypefeature with sig. 'mmm' on line 642.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \newICUfeature with sig. 'mmm' on line 646.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \aliasfontfeature with sig. 'mm' on line 650.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \aliasfontfeatureoption with sig. 'mmm' on line 654.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \newfontscript with sig. 'mm' on line 658.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \newfontlanguage with sig. 'mm' on line 662.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \DeclareFontExtensions with sig. 'm' on line 666.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \IfFontFeatureActiveTF with sig. 'mmm' on line 670.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \EncodingCommand with sig. 'mO{}m' on line 3389.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \EncodingAccent with sig. 'mm' on line 3395.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \EncodingSymbol with sig. 'mm' on line 3401.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \EncodingComposite with sig. 'mmm' on line 3407.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \EncodingCompositeCommand with sig. 'mmm' on line 3413.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \DeclareUnicodeEncoding with sig. 'mm' on line 3438.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \UndeclareSymbol with sig. 'm' on line 3444.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \UndeclareAccent with sig. 'm' on line 3450.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \UndeclareCommand with sig. 'm' on line 3456.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \UndeclareComposite with sig. 'mm' on line 3463.

LaTeX Info: Redefining \itshape on input line 3644.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \slshape on input line 3649.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \scshape on input line 3654.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \upshape on input line 3659.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \em on input line 3689.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \emph on input line 3714.
(load luc: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otl
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JT3/mc/bx/n' in size <10> not available
(Font)              Font shape `JT3/gt/m/n' tried instead on input line 3763.
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JT3/gt/m/n' will be
(Font)              scaled to size 9.24713pt on input line 3763.
(load luc: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otl
/ipaexg.luc)(load cache: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/luatexja/extra_i
luaotfload | aux : font no 34 (nil) does not define feature vrt2 for script dflt
with language dflt
luaotfload | aux : no font with id 34
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JY3/mc/bx/n' in size <10> not available
(Font)              Font shape `JY3/gt/m/n' tried instead on input line 3763.
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JY3/gt/m/n' will be
(Font)              scaled to size 9.24713pt on input line 3763.
(load luc: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/otl
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JT3/mc/m/it' in size <10> not available
(Font)              Font shape `JT3/mc/m/n' tried instead on input line 3764.
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JT3/mc/m/n' will be
(Font)              scaled to size 9.24713pt on input line 3764.
luaotfload | aux : font no 37 (nil) does not define feature vrt2 for script dflt
with language dflt
luaotfload | aux : no font with id 37
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JY3/mc/m/it' in size <10> not available
(Font)              Font shape `JY3/mc/m/n' tried instead on input line 3764.
LaTeX Font Info:    Font shape `JY3/mc/m/n' will be
(Font)              scaled to size 9.24713pt on input line 3764.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \- on input line 3768.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/redefine-command"
. Redefining command \oldstylenums with sig. 'm' on line 3863.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \liningnums with sig. 'm' on line 3867.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/redefine-command"
. Redefining command \setmainfont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 65.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/redefine-command"
. Redefining command \setsansfont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 65.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/redefine-command"
. Redefining command \setmonofont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 65.
Package: luatexja-fontspec-25c 2018/06/15 fontspec support of LuaTeX-ja
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \jfontspec with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 280.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \setmainjfont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 287.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \setsansjfont with sig. 'O{}mO{}' on line 293.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \newjfontfamily with sig. 'mO{}mO{}' on line 299.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \newjfontface with sig. 'mO{}mO{}' on line 303.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \defaultjfontfeatures with sig. 't+om' on line 313.
. LaTeX info: "xparse/define-command"
. Defining command \addjfontfeatures with sig. 'm' on line 344.
))(load luc: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/o
tl/texgyretermes-regular.luc)(load luc: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/l
uatex-cache/generic/fonts/otl/texgyretermes-bolditalic.luc)(load luc: C:/Users/n
uc)(load luc: C:/Users/nagata/.texlive2018/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic/fonts/
. fontspec info: "defining-font"
. Font family 'TeXGyreTermes(0)' created for font 'TeXGyreTermes' with options
. [Ligatures=TeX].

.  This font family consists of the following NFSS series/shapes:

. - 'normal' (m/n) with NFSS spec.:
. <->"TeXGyreTermes:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+tlig;"
. - 'small caps'  (m/sc) with NFSS spec.:
. <->"TeXGyreTermes:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+tlig;+smcp;"
. - 'bold' (bx/n) with NFSS spec.:
. <->"TeXGyreTermes/B:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+tlig;"
. - 'bold small caps'  (bx/sc) with NFSS spec.:
. <->"TeXGyreTermes/B:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+tlig;+smcp;"
. - 'italic' (m/it) with NFSS spec.:
. <->"TeXGyreTermes/I:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+tlig;"
. - 'italic small caps'  (m/itsc) with NFSS spec.:
. <->"TeXGyreTermes/I:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+tlig;+smcp;"
. - 'bold italic' (bx/it) with NFSS spec.:
. <->"TeXGyreTermes/BI:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+tlig;"
. - 'bold italic small caps'  (bx/itsc) with NFSS spec.:
. <->"TeXGyreTermes/BI:mode=node;script=latn;language=DFLT;+tlig;+smcp;"

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ..._not:N \fontencoding {\l__fontspec_nfss_enc_tl
                                                  }\exp_not:N \fontfamily {\...
l.6 \setsansfont
? x

Here is how much of LuaTeX's memory you used:
13186 strings out of 494412
100000,460012 words of node,token memory allocated 2972 words of node memory still in use:
  6 hlist, 4 rule, 1 dir, 36 kern, 1110 attribute, 50 glue_spec, 63 attribute_l
ist, 1 write, 9 user_defined nodes
  avail lists: 1:5,2:271,3:3,4:4,5:7,7:6,8:4,9:4
17081 multiletter control sequences out of 65536+600000
41 fonts using 17197647 bytes
56i,1n,74p,842b,443s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,100000s

warning  (pdf backend): no pages of output.

PDF statistics: 0 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607)
0 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 131072)
1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 100000000)

「HTML を LaTeX に変換するツール」を自作してみました。

- pythonfan の投稿
の antlr4_html2latex_binary.zip を解凍して下さい。
antlr4_html2latex.exe が windows の実行ファイルです。

> antlr4_tex2sym.exe example\sample1.html
> antlr4_tex2sym.exe example\sample2.html -m MOD
で LaTeX に変換できます。


サイズの大きい news.google.com の html file を
option -m MOD ( 'div' の終了タグが1つ少ない ? ) で実行すると、
私の PC(i7 5600U,8G) で 33.7sec、
error は出ますが、 pdflatex.exe で pdf が作成できます。

html file は browser によって異なるようですが、
「右クリック、ソースを表示、保存等」で PC に保存できるようです。

LaTeX に変換できない、pdf ができないことも、当然ながらあります。

High Sierra でヒラギノフォントを使うための設定法

- 物書き の投稿
MacBookPro で macOS High Sierra バージョン 10.13.6 を使っています。
texilve 2018basic をインストールしました。
「ヒラギノフォントを使うために」の前までは問題なく設定が終わり,その段階で日本語を含む tex ファイルもちゃんと処理できました(pdf ファイルを作ることができました)。
次に,ヒラギノフォントを使いたいので web ページを参考に以下のように 3 つのコマンドを入力したのですが,うまくいきません。
複数の web ページがありましたが,基本的には同じ方法が記述されていました。

実際に発行した 3 つのコマンド(赤字)とその結果の出力

bash-3.2$ sudo cjk-gs-integrate --link-texmf --cleanup

cjk-gs-integrate: reading font database ...
cjk-gs-integrate [WARNING]: Cannot find cjkgs-morisawa.dat, skipping!
cjk-gs-integrate [WARNING]: Cannot find cjkgs-morisawa-extra.dat, skipping!
中略 どの *.dat についても [WARNING] が表示されています
cjk-gs-integrate [WARNING]: Cannot find cjkgs-solaris.dat, skipping!
cjk-gs-integrate [WARNING]: Cannot find cjkgs-macos-removeonly.dat, skipping!
cjk-gs-integrate: searching for Ghostscript resource
cjk-gs-integrate: going to clean up /usr/local/share/ghostscript/9.23/Resource
cjk-gs-integrate: cleaning up all links, snippets and cidfmap.local ...
cjk-gs-integrate: removing cidfmap.local from cidfmap file ...
cjk-gs-integrate: removing snippets and cidfmap.aliases for font aliases ...
cjk-gs-integrate: removing cidfmap.aliases from cidfmap file ...
cjk-gs-integrate: finished

bash-3.2$ sudo cjk-gs-integrate-macos --link-texmf

cjk-gs-integrate: reading font database ...
cjk-gs-integrate [WARNING]: Cannot find cjkgs-morisawa.dat, skipping!
cjk-gs-integrate [WARNING]: Cannot find cjkgs-morisawa-extra.dat, skipping!
中略 どの *.dat についても [WARNING] が表示されています
cjk-gs-integrate [WARNING]: Cannot find cjkgs-sinotype.dat, skipping!
cjk-gs-integrate [WARNING]: Cannot find cjkgs-solaris.dat, skipping!
Cannot find cjkgs-macos-highsierra.dat: No such file or directory at /Library/TeX/texbin/cjk-gs-integrate line 1597, <DATA> line 998.
bash-3.2$ sudo kanji-config-updmap-sys --jis2004 hiragino-highsierra-pron
Cannot find ptex-fontmaps-data.dat, skipping!
Cannot find ptex-fontmaps-macos-data.dat, skipping!
Candidate list is empty, cannot proceed!

bash-3.2$ kanji-config-updmap-sys status

Cannot find ptex-fontmaps-data.dat, skipping!
Cannot find ptex-fontmaps-macos-data.dat, skipping!
Candidate list is empty, cannot proceed!

genkou.cls について

- Ando Ryoya の投稿
を発見し、genkou.clsを利用したいと考えました。前者のHPにおいてダウンロードできましたので、後者のHPに従ってインストールを試みたところ、 platex でサンプルファイル(tsample.tex)を処理する際に;
!Font JT1/mc/m/n/14.4=gtmin10 at 14.4pt not loadable : Bad metric (TFM) file.

また、私個人としてはダウンロードしたlzhファイル自身に問題があるのではと考え、公開元である大阪大学のftpサーバからダウンロードを試みたのですが、そのFTPサーバに接続できないようです。(このフォーラムの一年前の投稿であるhttps://okumuralab.org/tex/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=2257 によれば、当時はアクセスできていたようですが…) 単純につながらない状態なのか、なにか特定の手順などを踏む必要があるのか、どなたかご存知ではないでしょうか。


LaTeX 見栄え良く綺麗に仕上げる方法を教えてください

- H M の投稿
質問1.PDFのP1の表 1の一番左の行の→の位置を揃えて、綺麗に見せる方法を教えてください。