[uplatex] marginpar + manyfoot

[uplatex] marginpar + manyfoot

- 奥村 晴彦 の投稿
返信数: 2

I'm using uplatex for vertical typesetting, using manyfoot and marginpar together seems to cause some problem. Below is a minimal code that reproduce the problem:

\documentclass{utbook} % works if \documentclass{book} is used%

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
elit.\FootnotetextA{abc} % works if no footnotes used
Aliquam gravida nec nulla sit amet



The file compiles if I remove manyfoot.
奥村 晴彦 への返信

Re: [uplatex] marginpar + manyfoot

- しっぽ 愛好家 の投稿

manyfoot パッケージの類は縦組みを考慮していなくても仕方ありませんね.

とりあえず,次の細工を manyfoot パッケージの読み込みの直後に入れてみるとどうでしょうか?

      \advance\@pageht \ht#2%
      \advance\@pageht \skip#2%
      \advance\@pageht \dp#2%
\expandafter\ifx\csname iftbox\endcsname\relax
      \expandafter\noexpand\csname iftbox\endcsname #1 \tate
      \expandafter\noexpand\csname else\endcsname      \yoko
      \expandafter\noexpand\csname fi\endcsname}%

しっぽ 愛好家 への返信

Re: [uplatex] marginpar + manyfoot

- K Shen の投稿

Original correspondent who sent the email to Prof. Okumura here. Apologies for typing English here as I don't know enough of Japanese and do not want to disrespect the language by posting machine translated results. 

Many thanks to しっぽ 愛好家 I verified in my code and it compiles. 

K. Shen