Could some guy help me about the setting texworks

Could some guy help me about the setting texworks

- GGG ZZZ の投稿
返信数: 10
Here is a international student studying in Japan. Recently I was beginning writing thesis for graduation in Latex.
The cover must be written in Japanese. So I ve downloaded the Texlive, because I ve heard that it can be compatible with many other language.
I was trying to search Google to find out the ways of setting the Texworks.
The link below is some guy's effort.

I ve done that as his steps, but the result is "The system cannot find the path specified."

The OS in my computer is Win8.1 with English.

Could someone help me with this problems?

I really appreciate ur help.
GGG ZZZ への返信

Re: Could some guy help me about the setting texworks

- 前田 一貴 の投稿
When did you get the message "The system cannot find the path specified."
During the installation of TeX Live or the use of TeXworks?
前田 一貴 への返信

Re: Could some guy help me about the setting texworks

- GGG ZZZ の投稿
GGG ZZZ への返信

Re: Could some guy help me about the setting texworks

- 前田 一貴 の投稿
You have already set up TeXworks and clicked Typeset button, but got the error message. OK?

I cannot reproduce the error... Please check the followings.

1. Launch Command Prompt from Start Screen.
2. Type "path". Then, you will get


  Check if "C:\texlive\2014\bin\win32" appears.
  If the version of TeX Live is not 2014 but 2013, replace "2014" with "2013".
3. Type "platex". Then, you will get

This is e-pTeX, Version 3.14159265-p3.5-130605-2.6 (utf8.sjis) (TeX Live 2014/W32TeX) (preloaded format=platex)
restricted \write18 enabled.

  Type "X" to quit.

If these are OK, your TeX Live seems to have no problems. Retry to create pdfplatex.bat.
前田 一貴 への返信

Re: Could some guy help me about the setting texworks

- GGG ZZZ の投稿
I really appreciate your help.
I ve installed Texlive 2014 in D, so  "D:\texlive\2014\bin\win32"  actually appeared.
And when I typed platex, the below came out:
This is e-pTeX, Version 3.14159265-p3.5-130605-2.6 (sjis) (TeX Live 2014/W32TeX) (preloaded format=platex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
Notice "utf8." disappeared......
I have no much idea about this.
GGG ZZZ への返信

Re: Could some guy help me about the setting texworks

- 前田 一貴 の投稿
"utf8" is not important. This result means that platex command on your system is properly executable.
So I think that the cause of the problem is pdfplatex.bat or settings of TeXworks.

Retry to create pdfplatex.bat and save it to D:\texlive\2014\bin\win32.
Then, launch Command Prompt and type "pdfplatex.bat". If you create the bat file correctly, you will get "This is e-pTeX ..." again.
Finally, retry to set up TeXworks (Preference of Typesetting).
Notice that "Program:" should be "D:/texlive/2014/bin/win32/pdfplatex.bat".
(Or simply "pdfplatex.bat" should work.)
前田 一貴 への返信

Re: Could some guy help me about the setting texworks

- KUROKI Yusuke の投稿
pdfplatex.bat might not be stored in TeX Live.
You could use ptex2pdf instead.
For more information, TeX Wiki/TeXworks/設定 would be useful. (It is in Japanse, you could find desired information in the screenshot images.)
前田 一貴 への返信

Re: Could some guy help me about the setting texworks

- GGG ZZZ の投稿
Thank you very much.
Really appreciate your help.
I ve tried again to creat pdfplatex.bat again. 
"launch Command Prompt and type "pdfplatex.bat". If you create the bat file correctly, you will get "This is e-pTeX ..." again"  and this step succeed.
But the program is "~/tlpkg/texwoks", when I want to add a new path, I fail to add "D:/texlive/2014/bin/win32/pdfplatex.bat".