\addplot+[domain=0:360,samples=101] ({sin(x)},{cos(3*x)});
lualatex foo では正しく処理されますが,
JITコンパイラで luajitlatex foo とすると,次のエラーが出ます.宜しくお願いします.
! Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/pgfplots/lua support', to which
you passed 'false', and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it.
See the pgfkeys package documentation for explanation.
Type H for immediate help.
l.116 ...lots.pgfplotsversion = "\pgfplotsversion";}
LuaJITTeX で処理させると,該当エラーの前に,
pgfplots: setting 'lua support=false': the lua version on this system
is Lua 5.1; expected at least 'Lua 5.2'. Use a more recent TeX
distribution to benefit from LUA in pgfplots.
LuaTeX の内蔵の Lua は Lua 5.2 ですが,
LuaJITTeX 側では LuaJIT 2.0.4 で,これは Lua 5.1 相当
(実際には Lua 5.2 のいくつかの機能もバックポートされている模様)
なお,tex/generic/pgfplots/lua/pgfplots.lua を見てみると
-- well, 5.2 is what this stuff has been written for.
-- Is there a good reason why it shouldn't work on 5.1 !? No, I guess not. Except that it took me a lon
g time
-- to figure out that 5.2 broke compatibility in lots of ways - and it was difficult enough to get it u
p and running.
-- If someone wants (and needs) to run it in 5.1 - I would accept patches.
pgfplots: setting 'lua support=false': the lua version on this system
is Lua 5.1; expected at least 'Lua 5.2'. Use a more recent TeX
distribution to benefit from LUA in pgfplots.
LuaTeX の内蔵の Lua は Lua 5.2 ですが,
LuaJITTeX 側では LuaJIT 2.0.4 で,これは Lua 5.1 相当
(実際には Lua 5.2 のいくつかの機能もバックポートされている模様)
なお,tex/generic/pgfplots/lua/pgfplots.lua を見てみると
-- well, 5.2 is what this stuff has been written for.
-- Is there a good reason why it shouldn't work on 5.1 !? No, I guess not. Except that it took me a lon
g time
-- to figure out that 5.2 broke compatibility in lots of ways - and it was difficult enough to get it u
p and running.
-- If someone wants (and needs) to run it in 5.1 - I would accept patches.
とすると,Lua の使用を強制的にオフにした状態で,
LuaJITTeX でも pgfplots を使うことができています.
pgfplotscore.code.tex には,次のように書かれています.
% this is an emergency key which allows to switch off LUA support in
% pgfplots early at boot time.
% use \def\pgfplotsenablelua{0} to switch it off. '1' switches it on
% (or uncommenting the line).
\message{Pgfplots: found emergency control flag \string\pgfplotsenablelua=1. Keeping LU
A active.^^J}%
\message{Pgfplots: found emergency control flag \string\pgfplotsenablelua!=1. Disabling
LUA support.^^J}%
とすると,Lua の使用を強制的にオフにした状態で,
LuaJITTeX でも pgfplots を使うことができています.
pgfplotscore.code.tex には,次のように書かれています.
% this is an emergency key which allows to switch off LUA support in
% pgfplots early at boot time.
% use \def\pgfplotsenablelua{0} to switch it off. '1' switches it on
% (or uncommenting the line).
\message{Pgfplots: found emergency control flag \string\pgfplotsenablelua=1. Keeping LU
A active.^^J}%
\message{Pgfplots: found emergency control flag \string\pgfplotsenablelua!=1. Disabling
LUA support.^^J}%