キレイな * 欧文 * オンラインマニュアル(紹介)

名前: ut
日時: 2009-03-16 15:01:11
IPアドレス: 157.118.27.*

標題にも書きましたけど、「欧文」のキレイなオンラインマニュア ルの「紹介」です。 ただの紹介ですし、外国語のものばかりですので、「そんなものは 何の役に立たない」とお考えの方は、どうか以下、お読みにならな いでください。 また、「日本語のものには紹介に値するものがない」だなんて考え ているわけでも、もちろんありません。私は普段ドイツ語のペーパー を書く際にしか LaTeX 使わないので、そのせいで手許の情報は外国 語のものが多いというだけのことです。すいません。 さて、まず最初に挙げられるべきはやはり、TeXbook, ランポートさ んのマニュアル、TeX for the Impatient、TeX by Topic、それにあ とは、Memoir のマニュアルとか KOMA-Script のマニュアルとかで しょうか。 # >>52711 の訂正: #【誤】Leslie Lamport, The LaTeX: Document Preparation System, #   Preliminary Edition, For LaTeX version 0.9, TeX version 0.95, #   October 4, 1983. # #【正】February 1983. 以上の有名どころ以外のものを、少しだけ列挙いたします: [1] Adrian Johnstone, LaTeX, concisely, 1992. PDF version: November 3, 2004, xiv + 170 p. lbook.pdf, 980 KB. : November 22, 2007, xiv + 170 p. lbook.pdf, 838 KB. [2] Philipp Lehman, The Font Installation Guide, 2002--2004, 103 p. fontinstallationguide.pdf, 784 KB. [3] Indian TeX Users Group, LaTeX Tutorials: A Primer, 2003, 155 p. ltxprimer-1.0.pdf, 983 KB. [4] Lars Madsen, Introduktion til LaTeX, 2006--2008, xix + 420 p. ltxb-2008-09-03-16-27.pdf, 8.2 MB. [5] Lorenzo Pantieri, L'arte di scrivere con LaTeX2e, 2009, xxii + 211 p. ArteLaTeX.pdf, 8.2 MB. [1] は 1992 年刊の LaTeX2.09 時代の入門書ですけど、とても良い 本だと思います(邦訳もあり)。2004 年から(?)オンラインでも 公開されています。2004 年版と 2007 年版で中味には違いはないよ うに見えます(ファイルサイズが違うだけ)。なお、 Please only make a personal copy for yourself: do not breach my copyright by distributing this document. とあるので、再配布はできません。 [2] の Lehman さんは、キレイなマニュアルを作られることで有名 な方ですね(入手は CTAN: info/Type1fonts/fontinstallationguide/ )。 ただ、体裁込みのソースは公開されてません。figuide-source.tex では book.cls を使ってあります。[2] 以外でも、Lehman さん作の パッケージのマニュアルはどれも同じような体裁で書かれています (csquotes, etoolbox, biblatex など.なお、いずれも最近のもの は e-TeX の使用が前提にされてます…)。 体裁についてのヒントを comp.text.tex に昨年 Lehman さんご自身 が書き込みをしてらっしゃいましたので、この書き込みの末尾に引用 しておきます。 [3] はインドのユーザーグループによるもので、これは有名ですね。 [4] は、デンマーク語です(!)。すごく厚いし。著者は、MemoirChapStyles (CTAN: info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/)をまとめた方で もあります。 [5] は、イタリア語です(!)。ごく最近公開された、とてもキレ イなマニュアルです。 このタイプセットに使われたパッケージは ArsClassica パッケージ として公開されています(CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/arsclassica/)。 ArsClassica は、ClassicThesis パッケージ(CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/classicthesis/) を必要としていて、そして ClassicThesis パッケージは KOMA-Script を前提としています。 ちょうど、tufte-handout.cls(CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/tufte-latex/) が article.cls を元にして、いろいろなパッケージを読み込んで Tufte 的なスタイルを実現しているのに似て、ClassicThesis のほう は、KOMA-Sctipt を元にして、既存のパッケージを読み込んで Bringhurst の The Elements of Typographic Style っぽい体裁を実現してい ます。 長々とすいません。まずは以上です。 -----【ココから引用】--------------------------------------- From: Philipp Lehman Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2008 21:15:13 +0200 Subject: biblatex manual [was: Can I make a document that looks like this?] Robin wrote: > and I really like the clean modern look to the class/style - I > haven't seen anything like that in latex before. Unfortunately I > couldn't find the source in the package so I was wondering if anyone > knew what was used here or how I could recreate this or a similar > look. I get similar inquiries on a more or less regular basis so here are some general hints for the record. I'm using this style for other packages as well. You will find sources here: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/etoolbox/ http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/csquotes/ but that won't teach you much except that I like to move class and package configuration code to external files as much as possible ;) Essentially, latexdoc.cls is a simple wrapper class which loads a very flexible backend class plus latexdoc.sty and sets up the fonts etc. The backend class has also been used to typeset this manual: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/Type1fonts/fontinstallationguide/ I've been planning to release this class for years but truth be said, it's just not going to happen. I simply don't find the time to write another manual with those 150 pages of instructions it would take to document a class comparable in complexity to memoir. In fact, it's very similar in concept to memoir so there's no pressing need to release it because memoir is readily available and extremely well documented. I do plan to release latexdoc.sty one of these days but that's not what most people inquire about. All latexdoc.sty does is to provide class-independent facilities like the ltxsyntax, changelog, ltxexample etc. environments as well as markup commands such as \ltxcmd, \ltxenv. However, most inquiries I get are concerned with things like fonts, headings, and so on which are handled by the backend class. If you like the style of the package manuals, I recommend starting with a configurable class such as memoir or scrbook & friends (from the KOMA-script bundle). Except for a few finicky features related to footnote/endnote formatting, special TOC layouts, and PDF hyperlinks, there's nothing in that class which you couldn't do with memoir or scrartcl/scrbook. For example, the section heading setup involves code such as this: \definecolor{spot}{rgb}{0,0.2,0.6} \renewcommand*{\sectionfont}{\color{spot}\sffamily\bfseries} \setlength{\aftersectionskip}{0.75\baselineskip} As you can see, there is no magic involved. You simply need a class which supports configurable headings or article/book.cls plus the section heading packages mentioned by Dan. The rest is standard LaTeX (font switching) or based on core LaTeX packages (color.sty). I'd browse the memoir manual and the KOMA manual and settle on one of these classes. That's much easier than using one of the standard LaTeX classes plus half a dozen add-on packages. You get a consistent user interface and all the instructions are in a single manual. Both memoir and the KOMA classes are full-featured, flexible, well-maintained, and extensively documented. My impression is that memoir is a bit more flexible whereas the latest KOMA classes have a cleaner user interface. Note that memoir mimics book.cls by default so you need to configure a lot if you want a different style. scrartcl/scrbook provide a more 'modern' look by default (sans serif headings with tighter spacing being the most noticeable difference). If that's closer to what you want, you may get started faster with the KOMA classes. I'm pretty sure that everything you can do with scrartcl/scrbook could also be done with memoir, though. Go with the class you like better. You won't go wrong either way. Here are a few more hints: * The fonts used in the package manuals are, for the body text, Bitstream Charter with SC/OsF extensions; for the headings, Adobe Frutiger; for inline verbatim, Latin Modern Typewriter; for display verbatim, Bistream Letter Gothic. Except for Computer/Latin Modern TT, these fonts are commercial. The base set of Charter is available from CTAN for free. Frutiger could be replaced by a Helvetica clone (helvet.sty). I don't know of any free font similar to Letter Gothic but if you want something different from Computer/Latin Modern TT, check out Luxi Mono on CTAN for a change. * The spot color is RGB 0/50/152 (#003298 in HTML notation). * For two column text, use multicol.sty. * For clean table layouts, use tabularx.sty with booktabs.sty. See also: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/german/tabsatz/ The tutorial is in German but you can still learn a lot from looking at the examples and code snippets. This is a must-read! * For code listings, use listings.sty. I think that's it. ------------------------------------------------------------ From: Philipp Lehman Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2008 21:35:47 +0200 Subject: Re: Can I make a document that looks like this? If you're redefining the lower-level sectioning code, your preamble will be half the size of the class file. Try \usepackage[small,compact]{titlesec} for a quick fix if you're using the standard classes. I'd really look at memoir and KOMA-script, though. ------------------------------------------------------------ From: Philipp Lehman Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2008 22:01:31 +0200 Subject: Re: biblatex manual [was: Can I make a document that looks like this?] Philipp Lehman wrote: > * The fonts used in the package manuals are, for the body text, > Bitstream Charter with SC/OsF extensions; for the headings, Adobe > Frutiger; for inline verbatim, Latin Modern Typewriter; for display > verbatim, Bistream Letter Gothic. Except for Computer/Latin Modern > TT, these fonts are commercial. The inline verbatim font is Bitstream Prima Sans Mono (commercial), sorry. The rest still applies. > The base set of Charter is available from CTAN for free. Frutiger > could be replaced by a Helvetica clone (helvet.sty). I don't know of > any free font similar to Letter Gothic but if you want something > different from Computer/Latin Modern TT, check out Luxi Mono on CTAN > for a change. -----【引用ココまで】--------------------------------------- # 最後に、ここに並べるのは、手前ミソで、僭越で、まったくもって # おこがましい限りなのですが、私が去年ある古典の一部を訳してみ # たものもご覧いただけたら嬉しいです(箇条書きの項目間のアキを # 詰めてないですし、約物と句読点との間のグルーもとってないし、 # そもそも overfull にさえ対処してないので、「キレイ」にはほど # 遠い代物ですけど…): # ・本文(2008.05.20)(Entwurf02.pdf: 0.68 MB: 171 p.)実質は 100 p. ほどです。 # ・オマケ(2008.07.10)(Anhang02.1.pdf: 1.13MB: 1.13 MB)ただの抜書き集です。 # 〔参考〕>>51505, >>51753 [EOF]


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