名前: zyam60 日時: 2009-10-02 14:41:10 IPアドレス: 125.29.252.*
>>53790 現象が再現できる例をお示しすることができず申し訳ありませんでした。 実際の文は他にも数種のマクロをくっつけているものですから、切り分けて自分で原因を 探ることができませんでした。 実例を見てみると確かにパラグラフの段落替えの空行を入れるとこの現象が起こります。 教えて頂いたとおり\parを書き加えるとこの現象は起こりませんでした。 現象再現例を下記に示します。 ありがとうございました。 %-------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass{jsarticle} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\hb}[1]{{\fontfamily{pnc}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}% \fontsize{12}{24pt}\selectfont #1}}%ここを #1\par}} とすると直る。 \begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hb{There are, of course, very great and important differences between our two countries and our two peoples, but the similarities are important too. Let me notice some of the more obvious ones. We are both island people, with a language of our own, and a strongly marked national character, which marks us off from the neighbouring continental peoples and gives us a kind of unity of our own. \\ We are both monarchies, constitutional monarchies, in a world in which the republican form of state is becoming much more common than the monarchy. We have both a very long cultural and political tradition, which has suffered certainly very many disturbances in the past, and has been changed in the more recent past by many reforms, but which nevertheless has very deep roots. } \\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{document}