
名前: zyam60
日時: 2009-10-02 01:02:37
IPアドレス: 125.29.252.*

%-------------------------------------------------------- 美文書第2版234ページ上段を参考に、プリアンブルに\newcommandを定義し英文の記述をその都度、 フォントや大きさ、行送り間隔を変更できるようにして使用しています。ところが、 長文になると、後半部分の3分の2くらいのところから、行間隔が指定ポイントに ならず詰まって印字されます。このような現象についておこころあたりのある方、 解決策をご教示願えますでしょうか。 \documentclass{jsarticle} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\hb}[1]{{\fontfamily{ppl}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}% \fontsize{12}{18pt}\selectfont #1}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \hb{ There are, of course, very great and important differences between our two countries and our two peoples, but the similarities are important too. Let me notice some of the more obvious ones. We are both island people, with a language of our own, and a strongly marked national character, which marks us off from the neighbouring continental peoples and gives us a kind of unity of our own. We are both monarchies, constitutional monarchies, in a world in which the republican form of state is becoming much more common than the monarchy. We have both a very long cultural and political tradition, which has suffered certainly very many disturbances in the past, and has been changed in the more recent past by many reforms, but which nevertheless has very deep roots. Thus we tend, unlike many other countries, to depend on our habits and feelings in political and social matters rather than on any abstract schemes of ideas. We are now both genuinely and sincerely democratic countries, but we do not see that democracy is incompatible with a respect for rather older standards of taste and behaviour, in the arts and in social manners, which might be described in one sense, though not in a bad sense, as ``aristocratic." We are both rather reserved and shy about our personal feelings, but at the same time we try to be polite and courteous to strangers. We are both perhaps, though we have produced great scholars and creative thinkers, more inclined to live by our feelings, our habits, and our intuitions than by thought. } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{document}


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