Re: psファイルがAcrobat Distillerでpdfに変換できなくなった

名前: 若雲
日時: 2008-12-27 12:49:17
IPアドレス: 124.45.171.*

>>52465 ログに > The PostScript contains Transparency pdfmark, job aborted.]%% > %%[ /AllowTransparency is false in job option settings. とあるので、Acrobatで(半)透明画像に関するオプションがオフになっているのではないでしょうか。 上のログをそのままWeb検索してみたところ、 というPDFが見つかりました。そこにある記述をそのまま貼りつけます。 .joboptionsファイルを編集して、オプションをtrueにする必要があるようです。 Acrobatのヘルプを読むとオプション設定で切り替えることもできそうです。 2.3. Transparency Requirements To get the transparency effect, Acrobat Distiller version 6.0 or later is required. The default setting of the distiller does not support the SetTransparency pdfmark; it is necessary to edit the .joboptions file. The procedure for editing .joboptions to support transparency is as follows: 1. Start Acrobat Distiller 2. From the Default Settings list, select the setting you want to edit, usually, this will be the Standard job options. 3. Select Settings > Edit Adobe PDF Settings (Ctrl+E) fromthe distiller menu. 4. Click the SaveAs button at the bottom of the Adobe PDF Settings dialog box. Save your .jobsettings file under a new name, say Standard_transparency and make a note of where the distiller saves this file. 5. With your favorite text editor, navigate to the folder where you saved your new .joboptions file, and open it in your editor. 6. Look for the line that says /AllowTransparency false, and change this to read /AllowTransparency true. Save the changes and close the file. 7. Use this .joboptions file, Standard_transparency for example, whenever you distill with transparency pdfmarks. If your LATEX file uses transparency, and you are using a .joboptions file with /AllowTransparency false, distillation will fail and the distiller log should say %%[Error: The PostScript contains Transparency pdfmark, job aborted.]%% %%[ /AllowTransparency is false in job option settings.]%% %%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: pdfmark; ErrorInfo: Transparency Group ]%% This suggests that you should use your .joboptions file that supports transparency!


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