Re: HA-prosper と pstricks が(新)角藤版で衝突してしまいました

名前: アオキ
日時: 2005-11-21 08:34:27
IPアドレス: 133.24.25.*

>>39383 お返事をどうも有り難うございました。 ps4pdf.styなどを意図的にインストールして、Prosperのエラーはすでにクリアしました。 今回は2ch TeX総合スレッドにあるProsperのエラーと違うようです。HA-Prosper が呼び出 した xkeyval と latex の format に不具合があるようです。 ネットで探してみたが、以下のいくつかの記事(質問)を見つけました: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I'm trying to use pstricks-add with haprosper, but it seems not to work. When I add \usepackage{pstricks-add} to HAPIntroduction.tex (included in HAprosper distribution), %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \listfiles \documentclass[pdf]{prosper} % Introduction to the `HA-Prosper' package. % Created by: Hendri Adriaens % % Center for Economic Research % Tilburg University, the Netherlands %================================================ % Please also read the manual of HA-prosper and % of the specific style you are using since some % features of this example might not be supported % by the style you use. %================================================ \usepackage{pstricks-add} \usepackage[toc,highlight,HA]{HA-prosper} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I get an error message related to some color definition : ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H <return> for immediate help. ... l.1086 ...kgray,.25;gray,.5;lightgray,.75;white,1} The listfiles is (I think I'm up to date ?). Can somebody help me? Thank you in advance Christophe --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christophe, > Hum, the same thing... But I'm afraid I've forgotten to tell you > something : I've costumized the way LaTeX treat options (in order to > have key=val in \documentclass and \usepackage, I've done that before > the new xkeyval) and the error comes with it, not with pstricks nor > pstricks-add. I tested it earlier and indeed could not replicate the problem. To confirm: \usepackage{pstricks-add} \usepackage[toc,highlight,HA]{HA-prosper} works. The reverse order does not work since I do in HA-prosper \let\oldsetkeys\setkeys \RequirePackage{xkeyval} \let\xsetkeys\setkeys \let\setkeys\oldsetkeys (or something alike). This means that if the \oldsetkeys contains the keyval one, all packages loaded after that will have problem when using \psset. As mentioned in the xkeyval docs, this period is a very difficult one for documents/packages using both old pstricks packages and xkeyval. HA-prosper has the disadvantage right now to heavily depend on both packages. The code above, I introduced to keep HA-prosper compatible to the original pstricks packages (the ones using pst-key) and get some comp results in case new pstricks packages (using pst-xkey) are loaded before HA-prosper. For having package options in \documentclass or \usepackage, xkeyval 1.6 provides a solution (which will changed from .tex to .sty in version 1.7). Best regards, -Hendri. -------------------------------------------------------------------- On Tuesday, October 26, 2004 7:43 PM [GMT+1=CET], Hendri Adriaens <Hendri at> wrote : > Christophe, > >> Hum, the same thing... But I'm afraid I've forgotten to tell you >> something : I've costumized the way LaTeX treat options (in order to >> have key=val in \documentclass and \usepackage, I've done that before >> the new xkeyval) and the error comes with it, not with pstricks nor >> pstricks-add. > > I tested it earlier and indeed could not replicate the problem. > To confirm: > \usepackage{pstricks-add} > \usepackage[toc,highlight,HA]{HA-prosper} > works. [snip] > > For having package options in \documentclass or \usepackage, > xkeyval 1.6 provides a solution (which will changed from .tex > to .sty in version 1.7). That's the one I choosed today (I had to change my latex format, that's the reason why I didn't make the update earlier). But I have a strange issue with it. It's OT here, so I've posted to fr.comp.text.tex explaining my problem. Thanks -- Kristof -------------------------------------------------------------------- 以上の記事よりも問題点がどこにあるか、どうすれば解決できるか分かっていません。 どうぞ教えてください。 アオキ


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