Re: 定理環境の設定

名前: 山川
日時: 2004-12-25 09:48:00
IPアドレス: 219.116.24.*

>>33347 >「定理1.1」の後に全角スペースをいれたい >「証明.」のピリオドが消せません. 試しに作ってみました。誤りがあれば、どなたか訂正して下さい。 \documentclass[12pt]{jreport} \usepackage{amsthm} \makeatletter \renewenvironment{proof}[1][\proofname]{\par \pushQED{\qed}% \normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax \trivlist \item[\hskip\labelsep #1]\ignorespaces }{% \popQED\endtrivlist\@endpefalse } \providecommand{\proofname}{Proof} \makeatother \newtheoremstyle{test}% name {}% Space above (empty = `usual value') {}% Space below (empty = `usual value') {}% Body font {}% Indent amount (empty = no indent) {\bfseries}% Thm head font {}% Punctuation after thm head {1zw}% Space after thm head %\newline = linebreak {}% Thm head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') \theoremstyle{test} \newtheorem{test}{テスト} \newtheoremstyle{theorem}% name {}% Space above (empty = `usual value') {}% Space below (empty = `usual value') {}% Body font {\parindent}% Indent amount (\parindent = para indent) {\bfseries}% Thm head font {}% Punctuation after thm head {1zw}% Space after thm head %\newline = linebreak {}% Thm head spec (can be left empty, meaning `normal') \theoremstyle{theorem} \newtheorem{theorem}{定理}[chapter] \renewcommand{\proofname}{\indent\bf 証明} \begin{document} \chapter{1章} \section{1節} \begin{test} テスト \end{test} \begin{theorem} 定理 \end{theorem} \begin{proof} 証明 \end{proof} \end{document}


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