Re: 表内の文章の折り返し

名前: 北見 けん
日時: 2004-05-24 19:10:50
IPアドレス: 211.128.71.*

>>29059 \valign を用いたセンタリングの例です。ご参考まで。 列の幅は手動で与えます。 \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \begin{table}[!htb] \begin{center} \caption{Problems of the past researches and effects of this research.} \def\doublehline{\hrule height \arrayrulewidth \vskip\doublerulesep \vskip-\arrayrulewidth \hrule height \arrayrulewidth } \def\pbox#1{\prevdepth0pt#1\par \setbox2\hbox{M}\setbox0\hbox{}\dp0=-\ht2\box0} \def\columni{\hsize3cm\centering}%1列目の幅 \def\columnii{\hsize3cm\centering}%2列目の幅 \def\columniii{\hsize6cm\parfillskip0pt plus1fil}%3列目の幅 \leavevmode \vbox{ \parindent0pt \leftskip\arraycolsep\rightskip\arraycolsep \doublehline \hbox{\valign{\vfil#\vfil\cr \noalign{\vrule} \columni Chapter~?? \cr \noalign{\vrule} \hbox{\valign{ \vfil\pbox{#}\vfil\hrule & \vfil\pbox{#}\vfil\hrule & \vfil\pbox{#}\vfil\hrule & \vfil\pbox{#}\vfil \cr \columnii Objective & \columnii Problems of past researches & \columnii Proposal & \columnii Effects \cr \noalign{\vrule} \columniii Establishment of a pure tracking loop with higher tracking performance for communications. & \columniii \linewidth=\hsize \begin{itemize} \item DLLs \item In the Kalman filter \end{itemize} & \columniii The predictive pure tracking loop combining TTL with the adaptive filter. & \columniii TTLC can offset the degradation in the tracking performance of TTL under the constraint of the shift effect and channel noise. \cr }} \cr \noalign{\vrule} }} \doublehline } \end{center} \end{table} \end{document}


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