Re: \newtheoremの斜体を直すには?

名前: トノ
日時: 2004-02-08 01:37:26
IPアドレス: 219.97.3.*

>>25755 \newtheorem というコマンドはほとんど使ったことがないのですが、 theorem.sty を読込んで、\theorembodyfont を切替えてはどうでしょうか。 \documentclass{article}\relax \usepackage{theorem}\relax { % \theorembodyfont の影響をグルーピングする \theorembodyfont{\upshape} % \newtheorem で定義される環境のフォントを % \upshape に切替える \newtheorem{uptheorem}{Theorem in Upshape} } \newtheorem{theorem}{Usual Theorem} \begin{document} \begin{theorem} `Not very nice ALONE,' he interrupted, quite eagerly: `but you've no idea what a difference it makes mixing it with other things--such as gunpowder and sealing-wax. And here I must leave you.' They had just come to the end of the wood. \end{theorem} \begin{uptheorem} ``Dear little Swallow,'' said the Prince, ``you tell me of marvellous things, but more marvellous than anything is the suffering of men and of women. There is no Mystery so great as Misery. Fly over my city, little Swallow, and tell me what you see there.'' \end{uptheorem} \end{document}


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