
名前: hiroko
日時: 2004-02-04 21:26:53
IPアドレス: 220.210.174.*

\documentclass[twoside,b5paper,fleqn]{article} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm} \usepackage{pifont} \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \newtheorem{lemma}{Lema} \newtheorem*{theorem*}{Theorem} \newcommand{\MARU}[1]{{\ooalign{\hfil#1\\\hfil\crcr\raise.167ex\hbox{\mathhexbox20D}}}} として丸文字を入力すると、丸の中の数字が真中にこないので、 pifontで\ding{"C0}とすると、 \ding{"C0} benevolent leadership model and \ding{"C1} coercive leadership model are the same as those of Snidal (1985). In his \ding{"C2} mercantilist hegemony model, a hegemon practices free trade for its own interest as in the case of the coercive leadership model, but it uses free trade as a political instrument to exploit non-hegemons. The relationship between the hegemon and the non-hegemon in this model is zero-sum. In his \ding{"C3} embedded hegemony model, the power of a hegemon is weaker このようになるので、丸数字を行の真中もしくは行の下のラインにあわすには、 どうすればよいでしょうか?


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