Re: 「TeXをつかってみよう」をOSX Serverで・・・

名前: Kiriki
日時: 2003-06-25 14:50:17
IPアドレス: 218.177.128.*

>>19726 eucコードでつくったtest.texをsjisのplatexでコンパイルするのはTerminalで % platex -kanji=euc -fmt=platex-euc test.tex とするとうまくコンパイルできます(参考).そこで、 index.phpの40行目を <input type="radio" name="proga" value="platex -kanji=euc -fmt=platex-euc" checked>platex do.phpの17行目を } elseif (($proga == "platex -kanji=euc -fmt=platex-euc" || $proga == "latex") && $_POST['text'] != "") { と変更しまして、再度チャレンジしました.以下のようなエラーがでました. 本文「ここに何か書いてください。」の文字化けは直りましたが ¥マークと\マークのエラーはのこりました・・・・ -------エラーのコピー---------------- 処理結果 platex -kanji=euc -fmt=platex-euc 49 This is pTeX, Version 3.14159-p3.1.2 (euc) (Web2C 7.4.5) (./49.tex pLaTeX2e <2001/09/04>+0 (based on LaTeX2e <2001/06/01> patch level 0) ! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H <return> for immediate help. ... l.1 ??d ocumentclass{jsarticle} ! LaTeX Error: Missing ?begin{document}. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H <return> for immediate help. ... l.1 ??d ocumentclass{jsarticle} Overfull ?hbox (117.13907pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--3 []?OT1/cmr/m/n/10 documentclassjsarticle Overfull ?hbox (66.38905pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 1--3 []?OT1/cmr/m/n/10 begindocument ! LaTeX Error: Missing ?begin{document}. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H <return> for immediate help. ... l.4 こ こに何か書いてください。 Overfull ?hbox (20.0pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 [] Overfull ?hbox (9.62216pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 こ Overfull ?hbox (9.62216pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 こ Overfull ?hbox (9.62216pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 に Overfull ?hbox (9.62216pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 何 Overfull ?hbox (9.62216pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 か Overfull ?hbox (9.62216pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 書 Overfull ?hbox (9.62216pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 い Overfull ?hbox (9.62216pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 て Overfull ?hbox (9.62216pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 く Overfull ?hbox (9.62216pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 だ Overfull ?hbox (9.62216pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 さ Overfull ?hbox (14.1623pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--5 ?JY1/mc/m/n/10 い 。 ! LaTeX Error: There's no line here to end. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H <return> for immediate help. ... l.6 ??e nd{document} ! LaTeX Error: Missing ?begin{document}. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H <return> for immediate help. ... l.6 ??e nd{document} Overfull ?hbox (78.33347pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 6--7 []?OT1/cmr/m/n/10 enddocument ) ! Emergency stop. <*> 49.tex No pages of output. Transcript written on 49.log. 49.log platex -kanji=euc -fmt=platex-euc: エラー


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