GSview 4.31 beta release

名前: 堀田
日時: 2003-02-11 19:22:25
IPアドレス: 133.96.210.*

GSview 4.31 beta release GSview 4.31 beta test is now available. This includes Windows, OS/2 and Linux executables. You will also need Ghostscript 7.04, 8.00 or later. The major changes are : 1) Fixes to work with security updates in AFPL Ghostscript 8.00. 2) Added Catalan and Slovak languages. Help files are incomplete. 3) Use UTF-8 for Linux. If this isn't your default, you will need to do something like the following before running GSview. export LANG=en_AU.UTF-8 4) Several minor bug fixes. GSview 4.31 beta can be found in


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