
名前: take
日時: 2002-09-03 21:25:10
IPアドレス: 211.1.200.*

長くなりますがよろしくお願いします。 タイトルの通りです。次のようなsample.texを処理するとエラーになります。 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{jsarticle} \usepackage{pifont} \begin{document} \ding{"2B} \end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% dvioutの設定が悪いように思うのですが、どうしてよいかわかりません。 sample.logの中身とdvioutの下に表示される内容は以下の通りです。 sample.logの中身は This is pTeX, Version p3.0.1, based on TeX, Version 3.14159 (SJIS) (Web2C 7.3.7) (format=platex 2002.7.2) 3 SEP 2002 21:05 **sample.tex (./sample.tex pLaTeX2e <2001/09/04>+0 (based on LaTeX2e <2001/06/01> patch level 0) (c:/USR/LOCAL/share/texmf/ptex/platex/js/jsarticle.cls Document Class: jsarticle 2002/05/11 okumura LaTeX Info: Redefining \sffamily on input line 246. LaTeX Info: Redefining \ttfamily on input line 249. \symmincho=\mathgroup4 LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `mincho' in version `bold' (Font) JY1/mc/m/n --> JY1/gt/m/n on input line 257. LaTeX Info: Redefining \mathrm on input line 259. LaTeX Info: Redefining \mathbf on input line 260. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `JY1/mc/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 9.60999pt on input line 296. \fullwidth=\dimen118 LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `JY1/mc/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 7.68799pt on input line 410. \c@part=\count81 \c@section=\count82 \c@subsection=\count83 \c@subsubsection=\count84 \c@paragraph=\count85 \c@subparagraph=\count86 \c@figure=\count87 \c@table=\count88 \abovecaptionskip=\skip41 \belowcaptionskip=\skip42 \@lnumwidth=\dimen119 \bibindent=\dimen120 LaTeX Info: Redefining \TeX on input line 1258. LaTeX Info: Redefining \LaTeX on input line 1271. LaTeX Info: Redefining \LaTeXe on input line 1284. \heisei=\count89 ) (c:/USR/LOCAL/share/texmf/tex/latex/psnfss/pifont.sty Package: pifont 2002/04/24 PSNFSS-v9.0 Pi font support (SPQR) (I search kanjifont definition file: . . ) (I search font definition file: . . . . . . . ) LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for U+pzd on input line 62. (c:/USR/LOCAL/share/texmf/tex/latex/psnfss/upzd.fd File: upzd.fd 2001/06/04 font definitions for U/pzd. ) (I search kanjifont definition file: . . ) (I search font definition file: . . . . . . . ) LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for U+psy on input line 63. (c:/USR/LOCAL/share/texmf/tex/latex/psnfss/upsy.fd File: upsy.fd 2001/06/04 font definitions for U/psy. )) No file sample.aux. \openout1 = `sample.aux'. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for JY1/mc/m/n on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for JT1/mc/m/n on input line 5. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 5. [1 ] (./sample.aux) ) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 373 strings out of 30602 3740 string characters out of 192007 50633 words of memory out of 1200001 3527 multiletter control sequences out of 10000+9581 8881 words of font info for 37 fonts, out of 400000 for 1000 19 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000 23i,4n,19p,116b,216s stack positions out of 300i,100n,500p,50000b,40000s Output written on sample.dvi (1 page, 256 bytes).  また、dvioutではCannot resolve Fonts となり、 下に表示される部分には次のように表示されます。 pzdr.300(1500): Searched C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\pk\cx\public\cm\pzdr.300pk Searched C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\pk\cx\public\cm\pzdr.301pk Searched C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\pk\cx\public\cm\pzdr.299pk Searched C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\pk\cx\public\latex\pzdr.300pk Searched C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\pk\cx\public\latex\pzdr.301pk Searched C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\pk\cx\public\latex\pzdr.299pk Searched C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\tfm\ptex\pzdr.tfm Searched C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\pk\cx\\pzdr.300pk Searched C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\pk\cx\\pzdr.301pk Searched C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\pk\cx\\pzdr.299pk Searched the above Option>Setup Parameters の設定は TEXROOT:C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\pk\cx\public TEXPK:^r\cm\^s.^dpk;^r\latex\^s.^dpk;C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\tfm\ptex\^s.tfm;C:\usr\local\share\texmf\fonts\pk\cx\\^s.^dpk gen:`C:\USR\LOCAL\BIN\mktexpk.exe --dpi ^d --bdpi ^D --mag ^M ^s となっています。 TeXは角藤先生のW32TeXよりtexinst737.zipを利用してインストールしました。 7月下旬にインストールしたので比較的新しいものだと思います。 dvioutはVer3.13.2、Ghostscript 7.04を利用してます。 長くなってしまい申し訳ありませんが、よろしくご指導お願いします。


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