ps2pdf comandの作成法

日時: 2002-03-12 00:29:51
IPアドレス: 61.207.157.*

GSVIEWをインストールしてPS2PDFコマンドを入れようとしたのですが 旨くいきません。 先生の所のホームページを見て次の手続きを行っております。 問題点を教えてください MIKTEX: 1. Please run the attached file called setup.exe, select the option "download" you will be instructed to download the newest version of latex automatically; 2. Then run the setup.exe again, you will be able to install the latex. 3. Probably you need restart the system so that the whole thing works. 5. If you found you still can not run "latex": In the left corner of the screen, select START, select "My Computer"---System Tasks--view system information--Advanced----Environment Variables In the "user variables for Tokuda..." block, choose variable Path, click Edit, then add "C:\texmf\miktex\bin;" (I suppose you install the latex under folder C:\texmf ) at the beginning of variable value. NOTICE: there is a " ; " there. Then, click OK--OK--OK. 6. Restart the computer, it should works for latex. DOS PROMPT: 1. Save the attached file DOSHERE.INF into anywhere in the disk. Then click right button on it, select "install". This one help you use come to DOS prompt easily from anywhere in the folders. GSVIEW & PS2PDF: 1. Go to download (in the section Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 or XP ) gs704w32.exe and gsv42w32.exe 2. Run gs704w32.exe 3. Run gsv42w32.exe Until now, you should be able to view ps files. 4. If you want further use ps2pdf: In the left corner of the screen, click START, then select "My Computer"---System Tasks--view system information--Advanced----Environment Variables In the "user variables for Tokuda..." block, choose variable Path, click Edit, then add "C:\gs\gs7.04\lib; " (I suppose you install the gs7.04 under folder C:\gs ) at the beginning. . at the beginning of variable value. NOTICE: there is a " ; " there. Then, click OK--OK--OK. 5. go to the folder C:\gs\gs7.04\bin, copy a file name gswin32c.exe to the folder C:\gs\gs7.04\lib . Now, restart the computer, everything is ready. 3までは順調にいき、psファイルは見えます。 4,5を行うのですが ps2pdfは内部コマンド、外部コマンドで認識できないと言って来ます。ps2pdfコマンドの設定のしかとを教えてください


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