GSView で Opentype 小塚明朝・ゴシックが表示できない.

名前: 森本
日時: 2003-01-08 23:03:55
IPアドレス: 43.228.68.*

以下の方法では GSView で Opentype 小塚明朝・ゴシックが表示できません. ご存知の方にとったらあたりまえのことでしょうが. 初歩的なことで恐縮ですが,よろしくお願いします. に rml KozMinPro-Light-H rmlv KozMinPro-Light-V gbm KozGoPro-Medium-H gbmv KozGoPro-Medium-V と書き込み,GSView の に /KozMinPro-Light 4300000 (小塚明朝 Pro L) win32BMkanji /KozGoPro-Medium 2300200 (小塚ゴシック Pro M) win32BMkanji と書き込みました.これで,ps ファイルを GSView で表示すると書きのような エラーが表示されました. GSview 4.3 2002-04-30 Unknown in Comments section at line 3: %%based on dvips(k) 5.92a Copyright 2002 Radical Eye Software ( Unknown in Comments section at line 8: %%DocumentFonts: KozMinPro-Light-H Times-Bold Times-Roman rtxr Unknown in Comments section at line 9: %%+ Times-BoldItalic Helvetica KozGoPro-Medium-H rtxmi Times-Italic txsy Unknown in Comments section at line 10: %%+ CMEX10 txex Unknown in Prolog section at line 416: %%CreationDate: 12/14/2000 at 12:00 PM Unknown in Prolog section at line 417: %%VMusage: 1024 24296 Unknown in Prolog section at line 502: %%CreationDate: 12/15/2000 at 12:00 PM Unknown in Prolog section at line 503: %%VMusage: 1024 18707 Unknown in Prolog section at line 620: %%CreationDate: 12/14/2000 at 12:00 PM Unknown in Prolog section at line 621: %%VMusage: 1024 21483 Unknown in Prolog section at line 740: %%CreationDate: 1992 Jul 23 21:22:48 Unknown in Prolog section at line 819: %%CreationDate: 12/14/2000 at 12:00 PM Unknown in Prolog section at line 820: %%VMusage: 1024 12232 Failed to load C:\gs\gs7.04\bin\gsdll32.dll, error 126 指定されたモジュールが見つかりません。 Failed to load C:\Program Files\Ghostgum\gsview\gsdll32.dll, error 126 指定されたモジュールが見つかりません。 AFPL Ghostscript 8.00 (2002-11-21) Copyright (C) 2002 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA. All rights reserved. This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details. Can't find (or can't open) font file /Resource/Font/Ryumin-Light-RKSJ-H. Can't find (or can't open) font file Ryumin-Light-RKSJ-H. Substituting font Courier for Ryumin-Light-RKSJ-H. Loading NimbusMonL-Regu font from C:\gs\fonts/n022003l.pfb... 2898436 1426409 1456712 154550 0 done. Can't find (or can't open) font file /Resource/Font/Ryumin-Light-RKSJ-V. Can't find (or can't open) font file Ryumin-Light-RKSJ-V. Substituting font Courier for Ryumin-Light-RKSJ-V. Can't find (or can't open) font file /Resource/Font/GothicBBB-Medium-RKSJ-H. Can't find (or can't open) font file GothicBBB-Medium-RKSJ-H. Substituting font Courier for GothicBBB-Medium-RKSJ-H. Can't find (or can't open) font file /Resource/Font/GothicBBB-Medium-RKSJ-V. Can't find (or can't open) font file GothicBBB-Medium-RKSJ-V. Substituting font Courier for GothicBBB-Medium-RKSJ-V. Unrecoverable error: typecheck in length Operand stack: --nostringval-- PermitFileReading --nostringval-- C:\\Documents and Settings\\Takuya Morimoto\\デスクトップ\\JSMEP78\\ ./* C:\\gs\\gs7.04\\lib/* C:\\gs\\fonts/* C:/gs/gs8.00/lib/* C:/gs/gs8.00/kanji/* C:/gs/fonts/* c:/gs/gs8.00/lib/* c:/gs/gs8.00/kanji/* c:/gs/fonts/* --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- Failed to open device or install ViewerPreProcess hook: returns -20


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