GetMap = function (center, size = c(640, 640), destfile = "MyTile.png", zoom = 12, markers, path = "", span, frame, hl="ja", sensor = "true", maptype = c("roadmap", "mobile", "satellite", "terrain", "hybrid", "mapmaker-roadmap", "mapmaker-hybrid")[4], format = c("gif", "jpg", "jpg-baseline", "png8", "png32")[5], RETURNIMAGE = TRUE, GRAYSCALE = FALSE, NEWMAP = TRUE, verbose = 1) { stopifnot(all(size <= 640)) fileBase <- substring(destfile, 1, nchar(destfile) - 4) fileExt <- substring(destfile, nchar(destfile) - 2, nchar(destfile)) if (missing(center)) { print("Note that when center and zoom are not specified, no meta information on the map tile can be stored. This basically means that R cannot compute proper coordinates. You can still download the map tile and view it in R but overlays are not possible. Do you want to proceed ? (y/n)") ans <- readLines(n = 1) if (ans != "y") return() } else if (is.numeric(center) & !missing(zoom)) { if (is.null(names(center))) { names(center) = c("lat", "lon") } else stopifnot(all(names(center) %in% c("lat", "lon"))) center = center[c("lat", "lon")] MyMap <- list( = center[1], = center[2], zoom = zoom) BBOX <- list(ll = XY2LatLon(MyMap, -size[1]/2 + 0.5, -size[2]/2 - 0.5), ur = XY2LatLon(MyMap, size[1]/2 + 0.5, size[2]/2 - 0.5)) MetaInfo <- list( = center[1], = center[2], zoom = zoom, url = "google", BBOX = BBOX, size = size) save(MetaInfo, file = paste(destfile, "rda", sep = ".")) } if (length(size) < 2) { s <- paste(size, size, sep = "x") } else { s <- paste(size, collapse = "x") } if (!missing(center)) center <- paste(center, collapse = ",") if (missing(format)) { if (fileExt == "png") format <- "png32" } googleurl <- "" if (!missing(span)) { span <- paste(span, collapse = ",") url <- paste(googleurl, "center=", center, "&span=", span, "&size=", s, "&maptype=", maptype, "&format=", format, "&sensor=", sensor, "&language=", hl, sep = "") } else if (missing(center) & missing(zoom)) { stopifnot(!missing(markers) | path != "") url <- paste(googleurl, "size=", s, "&maptype=", maptype, "&format=", format, "&sensor=", sensor, "&language=", hl, sep = "") } else { stopifnot(!missing(center), !missing(zoom)) url <- paste(googleurl, "center=", center, "&zoom=", zoom, "&size=", s, "&maptype=", maptype, "&format=", format, "&sensor=", sensor, "&language=", hl, sep = "") } url <- paste(url, path, sep = "") if (!missing(markers)) { if ( markers <- as.matrix(markers) if (is.matrix(markers)) { stopifnot(all(c("lat", "lon") %in% colnames(markers))) latlon = which(colnames(markers) %in% c("lat", "lon")) for (i in 1:nrow(markers)) { m1 <- paste(markers[i, c("lat", "lon")], collapse = ",") if (any(c("size", "color", "label") %in% colnames(markers))) { m2 <- paste(colnames(markers)[-latlon], markers[i, -latlon], collapse = "|", sep = ":") m <- paste(m2, m1, sep = "|") } else { m <- m1 } if (i == 1) { markers.string <- m } else { markers.string <- paste(markers.string, m, sep = "|") } } markers.string <- paste("&markers=", markers.string, sep = "") } else if (is.character(markers)) { markers.string <- markers } url <- paste(url, markers.string, sep = "") } if (verbose) print(url) if (verbose == -1) browser() if (verbose < 2) download.file(url, destfile, mode = "wb", quiet = TRUE) if (GRAYSCALE) { myTile <- readPNG(destfile, native = FALSE) myTile <- RGB2GRAY(myTile) writePNG(myTile, destfile) } if (RETURNIMAGE) { myMap <- ReadMapTile(destfile) return(myMap) } invisible(url) }