[ 追記] 以下を書いたのは で、その後厚労省サイトからは自動翻訳は消えたようだ。ところが、たまたまkeijiさんのまとめてくださった表にあった東京都の新型コロナウイルス感染症にかかる相談窓口についてで右上のEnglishをクリックしたところ、例の半ば意味不明なJ-SERVERの自動翻訳が!
なお、都内の最新感染動向については Updates on COVID-19 in Tokyo というすばらしい英訳をボランティアで作っておられるとのこと。
毎日新聞の厚労省HP、新型肺炎の外国語情報で誤訳多発 「手洗い重要」が「トイレ重要」という記事によれば,厚労省の新型コロナウイルス感染症についてのホームページ自動翻訳が,「例えば「手洗いが重要」が韓国語で「トイレが重要」、「水際対策」が中国語で「水辺の対策」と誤訳されている。韓国語も「物価の対策」とも読めるという。「入国される人」という敬語は中、韓両国語とも「入国を受ける人」と受け身に訳されている」と書かれている。確認してみた。
About new-style coronavirus infectious disease.
National message to everybody
New-style coronavirus infectious disease isn't the situation that the fashion is admitted at present in our country. Since being put by national everybody, cough etiquette of one person and implementation in the restroom are very important like a cold and a seasonality influenza measure one person. I would like to ask you to make an effort toward a infectious disease measure.
After doing and contacting a health center beforehand such as the symptom by which it's for a cough and fever was put by the person who returns home from Kohoku Ministry and enters the country or the person who had contact with these people, and put on a mask in some cases, please cooperate to see a doctor. Please offer me beforehand that there is stay reki of Kohoku Ministry in a check-up of medical clinic or that it touched the way where Kohoku Ministry has stay reki.
Google Translateについては説明する必要もないであろう。
About New Coronavirus Infections
Message to the people
New coronavirus infectious disease is not currently recognized as an epidemic in Japan. For the people, it is very important to carry out cough etiquette and hand-washing for each person as well as measures against colds and seasonal flu. We ask that you take measures against infectious diseases.
If you are returning or entering from Hubei Province or have come in contact with them, if you have symptoms such as coughing or fever, wear a mask and contact a health center in advance. I would like cooperation so that you have a medical examination. In addition, when consulting a medical institution, please inform in advance that you have stayed in Hubei or have contacted someone who has been in Hubei.
みんなの自動翻訳@TexTraは,VoiceTraでも有名な国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構(NICT)が開発した自動翻訳サイトである。Google翻訳より高性能? 「日本の自動翻訳がすごい理由」をNICT隅田氏が解説という記事参照。
Message to the Public on New Strains of Coronavirus infection
New strains of Coronavirus infection are not currently recognized as an epidemic in Japan.
As well as taking measures against colds and seasonal influenza, it is very important for the people of Japan to implement cough etiquette and hand washing.
Please make efforts to prevent infectious diseases.
If you are returning to Japan from Hubei Province or have come into contact with any of these people, please contact the health center in advance and wear a mask if you have symptoms such as cough or fever.
Also, when you visit a medical institution, please tell in advance that you have been to Hubei Province or have contacted someone who has been to Hubei Province.
New type of coronavirus infection
Message to the people of Japan
New coronavirus infections are not currently endemic in our country. It is very important for the people of Japan to implement cough etiquette and hand washing as well as measures against colds and seasonal influenza. Please do your best to prevent infectious diseases.
Those who return from or enter Hubei Province, or those who have been in contact with such persons, are requested to wear a mask and contact the public health center in advance if they have symptoms such as cough or fever. In addition, when you visit a medical institution, you should tell them in advance that you have been in Hubei or have been in contact with someone who has been in Hubei.
New Coronavirus Infection
Message to the people
The new coronavirus infection is not currently a condition in which an epidemic is recognized in Japan. As well as measures against colds and seasonal influenza, it is very important for the public to implement cough etiquette and hand washing for each person. We ask that you make efforts to prevent infectious diseases.
If you are returning to or entered the country from Hubei Province, or if you have any symptoms such as coughing or fever, please wear a mask, contact the public health center in advance, and then visit us. In addition, please inform us in advance that you have stayed in Hubei Province or have been in contact with a person who has lived in Hubei Province.
About a new-style coronavirus infection.
National message to everybody
A new-style coronavirus infection isn't the situation that the fashion is admitted at present in our country. Since being put by national everybody, a cough good manner of one person and implementation in the restroom are very important like a cold and a seasonality flu measure one person. I would like to ask you to make an effort toward an infection measure.
After doing and contacting a health center beforehand such as the symptom by which it's for a cough and fever was put by the person who returns home from Kohoku Ministry and enters the country or the person who had contact with these people, and put on a mask in some cases, please cooperate to see a doctor. Please offer me beforehand that there is stay reki of Kohoku Ministry in a check-up of a medical agency or that it touched the way where Kohoku Ministry has stay reki.
GoogleスプレッドシートのGOOGLETRANSLATE関数で試していただいた。Web版Google Translateよりずいぶん品質が劣る。
"For the new coronavirus infection
Message to the people of everybody
The new coronavirus infection, in Japan, currently, is not a situation epidemic has been observed. Is placed in the public everyone is cold and implementation, such as seasonal flu as well as per person per person of cough etiquette and hand washing is very important. We ask that you strive to infectious diseases.
After When it is put to the people who have contact with people who or of these are returned, immigration from Hubei, if you have symptoms such as cough and fever, which for example, by wearing a mask, and contact us in advance to the health center in, so that you will be asked to visit, thank you for your cooperation. In addition, in the consultation of medical institution, please offered in advance that you have contact with people where there is a stay history to be or Hubei there is a stay history of Hubei Province."
この件については Google Spreadsheet の googletranslate 関数の代わりに LanguageApp を使うワークシート関数を作ってイケてる翻訳ができるようにする 参照。
私の住む津市は高電社J-SERVERを組み込んでいるので意味不明の英語になるが,近場では例えば桑名市はGoogle Translate機能を埋め込んでいるのでまともな英語になる。しかし,Google ウェブサイト翻訳ツールがサービス終了!代替案を解説に解説されているように,この機能を新たに組み込むことはできないようだ。
そもそも今はGoogle ChromeやEdgeなら右クリックで簡単にページを翻訳できる(他ブラウザでも追加機能を入れればできる)ので,わざわざサイト側が翻訳機能を用意する必要はなくなったのであろう。同じことは音声読み上げ機能や文字拡大機能についてもいえる。
パソコンのGoogle Chromeを右クリックすると,最初は「日本語に翻訳」しか出ないが,翻訳時に出るポップアップ(もし消えてしまったらアドレスバーの右側の「このページを翻訳」アイコンをクリック)の「オプション」から「言語を変更…」を選び,翻訳言語を「英語」にする。
スマホやiPadのGoogle Chromeは,右下(iPadなら右上)の「…」をタップすると「翻訳」がある。グレイアウトされていて押せない場合は,別言語のページで試したり,「設定」→「言語」の設定をいじる。最下部に翻訳ツールバーが出る。最初は日本語への翻訳になるが,⚙→「その他の言語…」→「英語」を選ぶと英語に翻訳できる。翻訳ツールバーで「日本語」「英語」が切り替えられる。厚労省の新型コロナウイルスのページを訳すと右のようになる。
だけでは訳される可能性がある。複数行にわたって訳されないコードを書くには <pre><code>...</code></pre>
のようにネストする(ただし最初の <code>
があると,Google翻訳はその前後を別々に訳すので,語順がおかしくなる。<span lang="en">coronavirus</span>
と書けば,その部分は英語として扱われる。また,<span translate="no">コロナウイルス</span>
と書けば,その部分は翻訳されないはずである。しかし,Googleはこれらの属性をあまり利用していないように見える。代わりに <span class="notranslate">コロナウイルス</span>
のような書き方が使えるようである。この指定が効く場合は,その前後が別々に訳され,語順がおかしくなる。厚労省サイトには,自動翻訳以外に,人力翻訳のページもある。右上 English site をクリックする。 時点では新型コロナウイルス関連の見出しはなさそうである。そこで,最初の項目の Health をクリックしてみる。最初に現れる Press Release は,なんと,2014年の新型インフルエンザについての注意喚起である!
[追記] 現在は English site のトップに Latest information on Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is HERE. というリンクができている。
話題の DeepL Translator を使ってみた:
New coronavirus infection
Message to the People
There is currently no known epidemic of the new coronavirus infection in Japan. It is very important for the public to practice individual cough etiquette and handwashing, as well as fighting the common cold and seasonal flu. We ask that you take precautions against infectious diseases.
If you are returning to or entering the country from Hubei Province, or have come into contact with such people, please wear a mask and contact the health center before getting medical attention if you have any symptoms such as cough or fever. In addition, when visiting medical institutions, please inform them in advance that you have stayed in Hubei Province or have had contact with someone who has stayed in Hubei Province.