% Converted bibliography from 2024-10-09-in-ltb[.ltb] to 2024-10-09-ot-bib.bib @Article{Doe2023, author={{ Doe, Jane A. } and { Smith, John B. }}, issn={ 1234-5678 }, review={\MR {9999999}}, year={ 2023 }, journal={ Journal of Graph Theory and Applications }, number={ 5 }, pages={ 145--160 }, title={ A Comprehensive Study on Graph Algorithms }, volume={ 20 }, } @Article{Lee2022, author={{ Lee, Anna C. } and { Brown, William D. }}, issn={ 2345-6789 }, review={\MR {8888888}}, year={ 2022 }, journal={ Discrete Mathematics Journal }, number={ 3 }, pages={ 200--215 }, title={ Exploring Discrete Structures in Mathematics }, volume={ 25 }, } @Article{Wang2021, author={{ Wang, Kevin E. } and { Garcia, Maria F. }}, issn={ 3456-7890 }, review={\MR {7777777}}, year={ 2021 }, journal={ International Journal of Data Science }, number={ 4 }, pages={ 300--310 }, title={ Algorithmic Approaches to Data Analysis }, volume={ 15 }, } @Article{Kim2020, author={{ Kim, Lisa H. } and { Chen, Yu T. }}, issn={ 4567-8901 }, review={\MR {6666666}}, year={ 2020 }, journal={ Journal of Machine Learning Research }, number={ 1 }, pages={ 50--70 }, title={ Recent Advances in Machine Learning }, volume={ 12 }, } @Article{Johnson2019, author={{ Johnson, Emily R. } and { Davis, Robert S. }}, issn={ 5678-9012 }, review={\MR {5555555}}, year={ 2019 }, journal={ Network Science Review }, number={ 2 }, pages={ 145--160 }, title={ Understanding Complex Networks }, volume={ 18 }, } % End of 2024-10-09-ot-bib.bib